Monday, January 12, 2009
3:36 AM
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I have listed below 50 commonly used Linux / Unix commands that we think every geek should learn by heart. These commands are vital for your complete access to Shells and Consoles. Print them out. Hang them near your monitor. Practice them. Only constant practice will let you retain the usage and utility of all these console commands. Enjoy the list.
- clear: Clears the terminal window
- ls directory: List contents of a directory
- cat filename: Displays the contents of a file in the terminal
- rm filename: Removes a file
- cp sourcefile detstinationfilename: Copies a file
- passwd: Changes password
- motd: Message of the Day
- finger username: User information lookup program
- startx: Starts an X Window System server
- less filename or more filename: Displays the contents of a file in the terminal one page at a time
- info: Displays information and documentation on shells, utilities and programs
- lpr filename: Sends file to printer
- grep string filename: looks through files for strings
- head filename: Displays first 10 lines of file
- tail filename: Displays last 10 lines of file
- mv existingfilename newfilename: Moves or renames file
- file filename: Displays information about file contents
- echo string: Copies string to terminal
- date: Displays current date and time
- cal: Displays calendar
- gzip filename: Compresses a file
- gunzip filename: Decompresses a compressed file
- which command: Displays path to command
- whereis command: Displays paths to locations of commands
- who: Lists currently logged on users
- finger username@hostname: Obtains detailed information about a user currently using the system
- w: Lists currently logged on users with processing usage
- mesg y/n: Sets options for letting other users write you messages
- write user: Sends message to other users
- talk user: Allows two way chat to other users
- chmod permissions filename: Changes file access permissions
- mkdir directoryname: Makes a directory
- rmdir directoryname: Removes an empty directory
- ln existingfile new-link: Creates link to an existing file (hard link)
- df: Displays all mounted filesystems
- top: Displays updating list of currently running processes
- tty: Displays the name of the terminal in which the command was issued
- kill PID or %job number: Aborts a process by PID (Process Identification Number) or job number
- jobs: Displays a list of current jobs
- netstat: Displays network connections
- traceroute host: Prints the route packets take to the host
- nslookup: Queries Internet domain name servers
- hostname: Displays system identity name
- rlogin host: Utility to connect to a remote system
- telnet host: Utility to connect to a remote system (similar to rlogin but more interactive)
- rcp file remotemachine: Used to copy from a remote computer
- ftp: Utility to transfer files between systems on a network
- rsh command: Utility to run a command on a remote system without logging in
- ping host: Utility used to test connection to a remote system
- lcd directorypath: Changes local machine directory while logged on to remote machine
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