
Learn To Manage Your Own Linux Server

Contrary to popular myth that managing a Linux Server is difficult, learning to manage your own installation of Linux is very easy. Not only that the operating system is free of cost. It comes with a free owners manual called world wide web.
Internet is best place to learn about Linux. It has tutorials and courseware for every one from Geekest of Geeks and a total newbie. This proves that gone are the days when Linux Server were only the domain of geeks. Party is ON and every one is welcome to learn.
linux server learn
  1. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Tutorial
  2. Professor Norm Matloff’s Beginner’s Guide to Installing and Using Linux
  3. Linux Fundamentals Course
  4. IBM’s New to Linux
  5. Linux Desktop 101 Course
  6. The Linux System Administrator’s Guide
  7. Linux Command-Line Tools Guide
  8. Advanced Bash Scripting Guide
  9. The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Real-Time Linux Tutorial
  10. Advanced Linux Programming Guide
  11. Linux Online’s Course for Advanced Users
  12. Linux Advanced Routing and Traffic Control